The Literature of Cancerology


In cancerology, it has almost become  a rule that a confident and generous promises are guarded with highly conditional parameters. 


 Indeed there is no dearth of cancer literature or research papers and books. It is estimated that      more  than 10 million  ‘scientific’ articles and books on cancer have been published in the period 1970-2000. Yes, they are  ‘serious’ cancer research papers and books.

So-called serious "cancerologic literature" thrives on guardedness galore by generously employing such conjunctional defenses as provided, usually, perhaps, although, and the like.

Take for example, the following lines from the Truth About Cancer-by Cameron, C.S (Collier Books, New York, 1967):  


“Today the patient with cancer of stomach can look with hopefulness toward a cure provided the tumour is confined to the stomach and provided the surgeon is thoroughly competent to do whatever necessary to remove all of it.”

The concluding part of Cameron’s assurance is amusing.     One wonders  as to why a thoroughly competent surgeon should be needed to remove all aneuplasm that is early and confined only to the stomach?

Very recently, we had the opportunity of going through   two diametrically opposite findings presented by two   cancer ‘scholars’ on the relationship between aspirin and cancer. One study conducted by  Dr. Eva Schernhammer of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital of Boston, concluded “daily aspirin may cause pancreatic cancer”.  

On 26th October 2003 Dr. Eva told the media people “initially we expected that aspirin would protect against pancreatic cancer, especially since its preventive role in colorectal cancer has been well documented. However, now it appears that we need to examine the relationship more thoroughly.”


The Times, London, published another report, titled, “Daily aspirin may become a cure-all for the over 60s”. It said: “A conference on the uses of aspirin in preventing cancer, held in London on 10th November, 2003 heard, however, that there was increasing evidence of aspirin’s beneficial effects across a range of disease. "

“The conference was told that there was also strong evidence to suggest that aspirin could help prevent breast, prostate or bowel cancer”. [see, The Statesman, edit page,12/11/03]

On seeing the state of the cancer research Noble Laureate  Sir Macfarlane Burnet had out-rightly rejected the utility of cancer research. ( Please visit the page on 'Noble Laureates on Cancer')

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