MLK's Archives 


  19/11/1935 - 16/10/2014                                                                                 


With immense giref and sense of void we announce the demise of Dr. Manu Liladhar Kothari (MLK) on 16/10/2014. This website has been developed based on the works and thoughts of MLK and Dr. Lopa A Mehta (LAM).  MLK  the emiritus professor of G S Seth Medical College and KEM Hospital of Mumbai (India) was associated till his last day with the institution, for past six decades. Our close association with this exceptional personality every moment made us realize that his constant endevor was to see that his patients do not suffer.

It was wayback in December 1955, having just passed his first year bachelor of medicine-bachelor of surgery exams (MBBS), he was perusing Hamilton Bailey's Physical Signs in Surgery. He was yet to enter the hospital wards and start seeing patients. Seeing the pictures in the book, two thoughts occurred to him. He wrote, "In inflammations of hip, the fixed adduction deformity can be measured visually without having to move the patient's painful limb as the text advised. All that involved was to measure visually the angle between lines joining anterior superior iliac spine and the deformed position with a line drawn bang horizontally from the spine on the normal side." He says, "Inguinal hernia in the male and the female can be differentiated from the femoral hernia by inspecting the inguino-scrotal or inguino-labial curve. This curve loses its concavity in inguinal hernia but does not do so in femoral hernia" . He wrote this to Hamilton Bailey and was rewarded, in 1959, when, in the 13th edition of Demonstrations of Physical Signs in Surgery, a method was described, named after him and with a footnote on his biographical data.w12 Kothari's findings are an excellent example of how simple and logical observations, in a field of clinical medicine unexplored to him, made discoveries that were not obvious to trained surgeons for many years.

After having qualified as a surgeon with flying  colours, he opted for a post of a teacher in anatomy in his Alma Mater, for anatomy was for him, akin to the science of Atma. "His numerous students spread all over the globe will always remember that anatomy is not just a study of the structure of the human body, but a study of a work of Art of nature" [Obituary The Economic Political Weekly 8/11/2014].This page of our website is compilation of all his work probably unprecedented in the history of Indian Medicine. The tables below either provides the details of his publications and from where to obtain or the papers which can be downloadable. All the books / publications mentioned are co-authored with Dr. Lopa A Mehta, for the papers there had been other co-authors. We express our indebtedness and gratitude to Ms Ashish Arts and Bhalani Medical who made selfless contribution to the digitization of the journal papers and the voluminous Nature of Cancer despite their professional commitments.


Sl.No. Description Details of Availability Comment
Epoch making  "The Nature of Cancer" [Total Chapters 23, Pages 932, 6000 references] Click For Download Copy and paste the link in your browser. The book is out of print  but available in PDF, downloadable free.

The Other Face of Cancer (Ed:2025)
[Price Rs. 450 -/-]

Bhalani Medical House, 11 Mavawala Building, Dr. Ernest Borges Road,  Parel, Opposite KEM Hospital, Mumbai 400012, India;

Log in to to buy online version

3 Cancer Ka Shant Swarup
(Ed: 2014) 
[Price: Rs.375-/] (Hindi)
Available on-line with the book delivered to  your address  through,,,, etc. Hindi version of  "The Other Face of Cancer" with a 2014 update
4 Cancer Chi Dusri Baju
(Ed: 2016) 
[Price: Rs.300-/-] (Marathi)
Book Out of Print The book is updated with the happenings in the cancer world till 2016. The book has been translated by the eminent pharmacologist of Nagpur Dr. Avinash Dorle (Late)
5 Kavalaippadaathey  Sagotharaa  [Tamil] New Horizon Media Private Limited 177/103, First  Floor, Ambal’s Building, Lloyds Road,   Royapettah. Chennai - 600014 Tamil Nadu, India;
Ph: 91 9244411119 
Tamil version of  "The Other Face of Cancer"  
6 Cancer Ki Samajh, Janch aur Illaj Aam Aadmi ki Bus Mein Hain (Urdu) Rahamani Publication, 1032 Islampura, Malegaon 423203, Dist: Nasik,  Maharashtra, Ph:0920920255 Urdu version of  "The Other Face of Cancer"
Cancer Ketli Bhramna Ketlu Satya (Price Rs. 225-/-)
[Gujarati ]
Navbharat Sahitya Mandir Nr. Jain Derasar, Gandhi Road, Ahmedabad-380001.   Phone no. 079-22139253 and    079-2132921 or Gujarati version of  "The Other Face of Cancer"
8 Cancer er Anya Parichay (2nd Ed: 2018)
The book is published by Upapatha Publications from Kolkata. All interested please transfer Rs. 200 to the following A/c detail 00032011003336 and IFSC Code ORBC0100003. After transferring intimate on WhatsApp 7980809157 or email to your address details where the book can be delivered. Bangla Version of "The Other Face of Cancer"

          Phenomenon of Death and Medicine

Sl.No. Description Details of Availability Comment
1 Living Dying: A new perspective on Life, Disease and Death (Ed:2010) [Price Rs: 250] Bhalani Medical House, Refer to Serial 2 of "Cancer Table" above
Log in to to buy the book on-line

Jeevan Sakha Mrutyu (Ed:2014) [Price Rs.300-/-][Marathi]

Ashok Nafde (Hriday Mitra Mandal) , 153 Prashant, Khare Town, Dharampeth,Nagpur,
Maharashtra, 440010

India [Ph: 0712-2521293]
Marathi Version of "Living Dying".
3 Jivan Ane Maran Navi Najre
[Price Rs.90-/-][Gujarati]
Navbharat Sahitya Mandir, Refer to Serial 6 of "Cancer Table" above
4 Jivan,Ghadpan,Rog Ane Mrityu [Price Rs.200-/-][Gujarati] -do- Marathi Version of "Living Dying".
5 Jivan,Maran Ane Tabibi Kshetra [Price Rs.200-/-][Gujarati] -do-
6 Tabibi Kshetre Hinsa [Price Rs.125-/-][Gujarati] -do-

Other Recently Published Books
Sl. No. Description Details of Availability Comment
Blood Pressure: High Blood Pressure Revisited (Ed:2012) [Price Rs.130 -/-]
Bhalani Medical House, Refer to Serial 2 of "Cancer Table" above The book debunks the various myths around High Blood Pressure
2 HIV AIDS Revisited (Ed: 2012) [Price Rs. 195-/-] -do- The book shows that the virus of AIDS is yet to be isolated

Immunology Revisited (Ed:2012) [Price Rs.190]

4 The Fourth Gender (Ed:2012) [Price Rs.175] -do-
5 Celldom Appreciated (Ed:2015) [Price Rs. 395-/-]
A Journey Through the Wonders of the Realms of The Cell
6 Gaia's Will - The Dying Declaration of the Mother Earth (2nd Ed:2016) [Price Rs.299]
A fervent appeal by Mother Earth to the human beings who is suppose to be the most rational. The book which was originally published in 2005, now has come out with a new look and two new chapter
      7 The Art & Science of Medical Practice - Applicable to all pathies(1st Ed:2016) [Price Rs.365]               -do- A marvelous book on  the "Art of medical practice", doctor patient relationship, medical ethics and of-course on the illness that plagues modern medicine
     8  Nature of Bone and Joint [1st Ed 2016 Price Rs. 295]              -do- Dr. Ram Prabhoo the reputed Orthopaedic Surgeon and the President of Indian Orthopaedic Association introduces the book. "The basic philosophy of this book is - I am here not to worship what is known but to question it", he writes in the Foreword of the book. He reminiscences his 44 years of association with Dr. Manu Kothari - "we never missed a single class of Dr. Kothari come what may. His lectures, I would rather call them discourses, were motivating , inspiring and thought provoking which left an everlasting impression on our young minds".
     9 Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Attack - A Demystyfying Perspective for Common Man(1st Ed:2017) [Price Rs.250]
Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Attack (CAD-nHA) , as “number one killer of mankind” excites as much scare and awe as cancer does. These “two major killers” have one thing in common: Their mystifying demeanor baffles doctors and patients alike. Through our book on cancer, we could show that patients can be as (ignorant and) knowledgeable as doctors.

Much Ado About Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Attack(1st Ed:2017) [Price Rs.515]
The authors of this book, the legendary Dr. Manu Kothari and his faithful colleague, Dr. Lopa Mehta, are well known for their in-depth study of diseases and death from a biological perspective and rational analysis of diagnosis, investigations and treatment offered by modern medicine.
(For the above ten books you may also log into and purchase them on-line)

Downloadable Papers from Various Journals

Sl.No. Subject Link of Download Comments
1 Neurology Click here to download The articles have been co-authored primarily with Dr. Atul Goel and few others have Co-Authors as Dr. Abhidha Shah, Dr. Santosh Gaikwad, Dr. Prakash L Dhande etc.
2 Anatomy Click here to download The articles have been co-authored by Lopa Mehta, Jyoti Kothari, Meena L Kothari, S M Bhatnagar, K D Desai, S V Modi and M Natrajan. Copy and paste the link in your browser to download the articles.
3 Genetics Click here to download All articles co-authored with Lopa Mehta.Copy and paste the link in your browser to download the articles.
4 Surgery Click here to download Articles have been co-authored with D S Parnani, M P Anand, Lopa Mehta, D L Kothari, M N Mahendrakar and S A Pradhan. Copy and paste the link in your browser to download the articles.
5 Cancer Click here to download Articles co-authored by Lopa A Mehta and Meena L Kothari
6 Biology Click here to download Articles co-authored by Lopa A Mehta
7 Medicine Click here to download Articles co-authored by Jyoti Kothari, Lopa Mehta, V M Kothari, A B Vaidya, J C Doshi, H G Desai, J M Mehta, U K Sheth and Atul Goel
8 Medical Philosophy Click here to download Articles co-authored by Lopa Mehta and VM Kothari
        9 Articles post 2015 (The Last three articles) Click here to download The document contains three articles though written prior to 16/11/2014 (i.e. before demise of Dr. Kothari) got published in 2015 and 2016. The first one is on "Preventive Lipostasis" published in Indian Journal of Medical Ethic, the second one "Iatrogeny of Alzheimer's disesase" published in Journal of Carniovertebral Junction and Spine and the last being "Ethics tries handling inner conflicts scientifically/spiritually", publihed in Indian Journal of Medical Ethics issue of April-June 2016. All co-authored with Lopa Mehta.

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